Ruteng Renewal

Ruteng, NTT, Indonesia

Ruteng Indonesia is an historic town, high in the mountains of Central Flores Island, home to people with a proud heritage, dating back millennia, to the beginning of human existance! 

The natural beauty surrounding Ruteng is breathtaking, and the climate is comfortably cooler than most other Indonesian destinations. Abundent rainfall throughout the year keeps everything green and growing beautifully. 

Several factors, most recently the Covid-19 Pandemic, have conspiried to make life in Ruteng more difficult for the local residents. People are struggling in many ways, primarily economically, but this is also affecting their health and well being.

Ruteng Renewal is working, one family at a time, to improve their lives holistically through several coordinated efforts. These areas are described below. 

Ruteng Renewal Focus

Next Steps

Special Event from Indonesia!

Flores the Singing Island Virtual Festival

Watch and enjoy the wonderful musical talent and scenic beauty from Flores Island, Indonesia! People who love their singing and dancing heritage! 

If you're traveling anywhere near Indonesia, be sure to visit Flores Island!